Monday, 7 February 2011

Hunan Bible Institute oppdatering på Engelsk av Rev. Gloria Wu dean HBI

Hei interesserte i Det Norske Misjonsselskap (NMS) og andre interesserte.

Rev. Gloria Wu – Dean (Studieleder) på HBI svarer slik på en mail fra en menighet i Tromsø som ber om info.


From: ziwei wu
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 15:33
To: MeyerTorstein
回复: HBI update


As my Google blog was closed HBI created our website to communicate to outside world:, which has English version. You may check the updates of HBI under "news and events".


I also opened a Chinese blog:, reporting HBI updates with more pictures, but in Chinese, but you can read it through Google translate.


Thank you for your supporting all these years! Without your heartily seving us, we can't serve God on this platform of supplying theological education for all the churches not only in Hunan province, but also in Guangxi province and Hainan province.


According to the information you need, my answer is as following:


1) The brief update on status at HBI: 

* New Campus Construction will begin in this year: We are going to start the construction of our campus before June, 2011. The new campus is 20 kilometers far from the present site, and located in the ecological park in Changsha County (it will soon become a part of Changsha city in the process of Urban expansion). Attached picture shows what the new campus is like. 


The new church of HBI is called "The Boat of God", and its sanctuary can hold about 5000 congregation. The cross is 92 meters high. This church will be a landmark in the community and even for the city. The whole construction will be finished within 2 years, that means, in 2013, HBI will move into this new campus. Students in campus will increase from present 100 to 200 during that time with 7 classes at the same time.


* Teachers degree gaining studies are undergoing in a very intense way: preparing for the coming challenges in the new campus, we have already sent out most of our teachers for degree study. Last year, 2 teachers began their full time study in Hong Kong Lutheran Seminary for their Theology and Old Testament doctor degree. This year, 5 teachers begin their intensive degree study-I begin my study in Biola University in their InterCulture School, first M.A. and toward doctor degree;other four teachers study in a seminary in Hong Kong. 2 young people who just graduated from China's seminary, will begin their master degree study in Hong Kong full time from this year. They will come back to HBI as teachers. 1 teacher will begin his half year study in Wuhan University on library management.


* Our goal is to form HBI as a leading seminary in China. Within 5 years, we will move from 3-year-program bible training to 4-year-program theological training (with short time training, 3 months and 1 year program at the same time); within 10 years, we will obtain the recognition of Asian Theological Association, and begin to issue our degree diploma; Within 15 years, we will have our own graduate program.


2) Prayer needs: 

please pray for HBI leadership, for its stablity, for wisdom and a spirit of continue learning and humbleness. Pray for teachers who are in degree study, that they can integrate the knowledge with actual church needs and situation. Pray for our relationships with departments of government, that it can continue developing in mutual trust.


3) On Luke 8:4-15:

From HBI as an educator: Jesus is using an agricultural phenomenon in this parable, this reminds me the process of making someone a productive person who can produce hundred times of fruit, is a long process. Just as work in the fields to plant crops, from seeds to harvest, it costs a lot of time, patience, diligence, as well as faith and hope. Students in HBI, listened maybe too much preaching, received maybe too much seeds, but what will help in their future's productive serve in the church before God? We, as educators need to cultivate good soil in their heart. This soil consists of honest and kindness, which are all characters.  So spiritual formation and character building should always be the essential for a good theological training. Can our courses, activities, assignments-all the things happenin campus, help students resist the evil one, well prepared for persecution, discerning the worldly things and living a simple but abundant life, as well as help them mold honest and kindness, mercifulness into their hearts?


From Chinese church: to be oneness is a clear teaching from Jesus to His disciples. In China, we still can't see oneness between house churches and public churches. One famous Beijing house church, they are willing to be obedient to the government, but just would not enter into so called "three self" public church system. This makes me think what are the things in believers' hearts, hindering the oneness of churches in China? We need to pray that church leaders can have better and better soil in their hearts, so that a clear teaching of the Bible can be seen clearly in reality of Chinese churches.




Etterskrift: Er den noen som er villig til å oversette dette til Norsk??

Ta kontakt med u.t.

Ole Jacob Grønvold.


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Bønnebrev Engelsk og NORSK fra Pastor Gloria Wu på Hunan Bibel Institutt

Date: February 1st, 2011

Re: Prayer Letter for February 2011/Bønnebrev fra Pastor Gloria Wu, Hunan Bibel Institutt – Hunan, Kina. Se engelsk oversettelse under den engelske delen.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thank you for sharing these burdens with us! Let us unite together in prayers for the glory of GOD in HBI. Following are the things we invite you to join us in prayer:

1) Februrary 1-17, Gloria is going to finish reading 4 English books and the book responses. They are the assignment of two courses: Mission History and Social Anthropology. It is quite challenging. Pray for a successful accomplishment of the assignments and ability to apply what have been learned in reading.

2) Faculty and students are all in holidays with family members. Pray for a relaxed and peaceful Spring Festival for all HBI members.

3) A group consisted of 10 leaders from several churches in Hunan is going to visit Taiwan Lutheran Church during February 18-26 to learn how to do cell group church. Now the procedures are undergoing. Pray for all needed procedures smoothly go through the related Taiwan government departments and this group can visit just on time. Pray that after this trip, several churches in Hunan can put hands on doing cell groups.

4) HBI teachers are preparing for next semester’s courses during this winter holidays. Like Gloria, she has a new course to prepare for: Exegises. She never teaches this course before. But since the teacher who taught this course is out for her degree study, someone should take this important course to teach the students. Pray for wisdom and good quality in the coming teaching of the new semester. School will open on March 1, 2011.

Norsk versjon – oversatt av Ole Jacob Grønvold

Kjære Brødre og Søstre

Takk for at dere deler byrdene med oss! La oss forene oss i bønn for å gi Gud ære via Hunan Bibel Institutts (HBI) arbeid. Vi ber om forbønn for følgende temaer.

5) Februrar 1-17, Jeg Gloria må lese ferdig fire engelske bøker samt skrive en bokrespons på det jeg har lest.

Dette er innholdet av de to kursene jeg holder på med nå: Misjonshistorie og sosial antropologi. Dette er en ganske stor utfordring for meg. Be om at jeg klarer dette og evner å bruke det jeg har lært.

6) I disse dager har hele lærerstaben og alle studentene nyttårsferie – (Kinesisk nyttår) Be om alle har en fredfull og avslappende tid for alle på HBI.

7) I løpet av tiden fra 18-26 februar skal en gruppe kirkeledere fra Hunan på besøk til Taiwan Lutherske kirke for å lære om cellekirke modellen. Vi holder på diverse prosedyrer for å få dette til.

Be om at Taiwans myndigheter ser positivt på dette besøket og at gruppa kan dra i den planlagte tidsrummet. Be om at kirken i Hunan kan klare å sette ut i livet det de har lært.

8) Lærerene på HBI forbereder neste semesters undervisning nå i nyttårsferien. Be om visdom og god kvalitet på undervisningen i det nye semesteret som starter 1. Mars 2011.

9) Ole Jacob legger til: Be for Pastor Gloria Wu sine studier – i første omgang en mastergrad i missiologi som hun nå er i ferd med å studere. Planen er at hun også skal forsette med en Dr. grad nå mastergraden er ferdiggjort.