Saturday, 26 November 2011

Pastor Gloria Wus Hunan Bibelinstitutt Bønnebrev for desember 2011

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Regard/mvh Ole Jacob Groenvold

Bedre for tidlig enn for seint. Her er Pastor Gloria Wus Bønnebrev for desember 2011.
Vær med å be!
Kanskje kommer det en norsk oversettelse etterhvert?


Date: November 26th, 2011


Re: Prayer Letter for December 2011


Dear brothers and sisters,


Following are the prayer requests for December of 2011:


1) December 6-8, there will be a theological education administrative conference in Shanghai run by CCC. Attendants will be deans and presidents of all the Protestant Seminaries in China. This is a once-a-year conference and this year is the third time. This year the topic of the conference is "Adanced Education Concepts in China's Theological Education". Lecturers are including some well-known univeristy professors and overseas professionals. Please pray this conference will not only transfer knowledge and concepts but also create networks among the domestic seminaries. HBI will send Gloria and Ms. Zhanghua to this conference. Please pray we will have fun, relax and learning.


2) December 17-19, Zhangjiajie church will have a cell group training for two and half days. They are going to start doing cell groups led by their senior pastor. They decided that they would start from one-on-one training. They will use it as a tool to attract and traing young people to be committed to the LORD. Gloria will lead this training together with some co-workers, please pray that they training can meet their needs and the cell groups can move this church break through its bottleneck.


3) December 27-29, churches in Linli county of Changde prefecture will go to Youxian church to learn from them how to do cell group church. Gloria will join this visit and observe how the mutual learning is going.


4) HBI church will have December 24 evening party and December 25 whole day celebration. Please pray that believers can get closer the LORD through all these activities and many unbelievers will come to the LORD by joining in our community during this season.


5) Students are preparing for the final examinations. Please remembe them.


6) Gloria will teach Mission Introduction next semester. This is a new course for her. Please pray for the preparation and creativity, a right heart and a vision on time.


Again, thank you ver much for being with us in the ministry! We need your prayers.

Pastor Gloria Wus Hunan Bibelinstitutt Bønnebrev for desember 2011

Bedre for tidlig enn for seint. Her er Pastor Gloria Wus Bønnebrev for desember 2011.
Vær med å be!
Kanskje kommer det en norsk oversettelse etterhvert?











Date: November 26th, 2011


Re: Prayer Letter for December 2011


Dear brothers and sisters,


Following are the prayer requests for December of 2011:


1) December 6-8, there will be a theological education administrative conference in Shanghai run by CCC. Attendants will be deans and presidents of all the Protestant Seminaries in China. This is a once-a-year conference and this year is the third time. This year the topic of the conference is "Adanced Education Concepts in China's Theological Education". Lecturers are including some well-known univeristy professors and overseas professionals. Please pray this conference will not only transfer knowledge and concepts but also create networks among the domestic seminaries. HBI will send Gloria and Ms. Zhanghua to this conference. Please pray we will have fun, relax and learning.


2) December 17-19, Zhangjiajie church will have a cell group training for two and half days. They are going to start doing cell groups led by their senior pastor. They decided that they would start from one-on-one training. They will use it as a tool to attract and traing young people to be committed to the LORD. Gloria will lead this training together with some co-workers, please pray that they training can meet their needs and the cell groups can move this church break through its bottleneck.


3) December 27-29, churches in Linli county of Changde prefecture will go to Youxian church to learn from them how to do cell group church. Gloria will join this visit and observe how the mutual learning is going.


4) HBI church will have December 24 evening party and December 25 whole day celebration. Please pray that believers can get closer the LORD through all these activities and many unbelievers will come to the LORD by joining in our community during this season.


5) Students are preparing for the final examinations. Please remembe them.


6) Gloria will teach Mission Introduction next semester. This is a new course for her. Please pray for the preparation and creativity, a right heart and a vision on time.


Again, thank you ver much for being with us in the ministry! We need your prayers.

Bønnebrev fra Pastor Gloria Wu Hunan Bibelinstitutt for desember 2011

Bedre fortidlig enn for seint! her kommer pastor Gloria Wus Bønnebrev for desember 2011. 
Kanskje kommer det en norsk oversettelse fra noen også?

Dear bothers and sisters,

Students at Hunan Bibel Institutt besøker stedet for den nye skolen.


Gloria skriver.

November 25th 2011, all the faculty and students of Hunan Bible Institute led by our president Rev. Chen zhi came to the land of our new campus. Students from all three classes formed “HBI”

Yes this land God has given us! Let us praise Him and give Him all the glory.


Norsk oversettelse. Den 25 november besøkte alle lærerne og studentene fra Hunan Bibel Institutt  - ledet av kirkepresident Pastor Chen Zhi det nye området der Hunan Bibel Institutt skal bygges. Studenter fra alle tre årskull lagde bokstavene HBI. Denne tomta har Gud gitt oss. La os prise Ham og gi Ham ære.


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Pastor Gloria Wu fra Hunan Bibel Instiutt sitt bønnebrev for november 2011

Seint, men forhåpentligvis ikke for seint. Her kommer Pastor Gloria Wu sitt bønnebrev fra Hunan Bibel institutt sitt bønnebrev for november 2011-11-25

Rent bortsatt fra at dette er bønnemner er det også en vindu inn i det som foregår både i kirken i Hunan og på Bibelinstuttet.

Som tidligere kommer det sannsynligvis en norsk oversettelse om ikke lenge, vet at noen av dere ønsker det.

Mvh Ole Jacob Grønvold



Re: Prayer Letter for November 2011


Dear brothers and sisters,


Following are the prayer requests for November:


1) November 7th, HBI church will celebrate its 12th year anniversary. This church now has about 1,000 members. It is a place for all HBI students to practice what they learn in the classroom. It is also a blessing for the nearby students.

HBI Church is doing cell group, please pray for this ministry especially for the group leaders. HBI Church has a name: Yu Xuan Church, which means “a church to grow missionaries”. Please pray also for this vision that one day this church can send missionaries.


2) Changde city church called “True Light Church” is also doing cell groups. Their senior pastor is young in his thirties. They also have about 1,000 believers. Please pray for wisdom from God to their leadership.


3) The last week of this month, several teachers of HBI will go to teach in Changsha North Church for their coworkers’ leadership training. Please pray for this training.


4) Pray for the opening construction of HBI new campus. It has been delayed many times. Pray that hinders will be moved away.


5) Pray for a course on mission open in HBI. Until now, we haven’t opened a course on mission due to the limitation of the experiences of our teachers.


6) Pray for Gloria can finish her assignments of two courses by the end of this month.


7) Pray for the students, they are preparing for Christmas party. Every time, this party will work for saving many souls.


8) Pray for Ms. Zhanghua and Ms. Yi-Jingni, these two HBI teachers are sick and having a rest at home.   


Rev. Gloria Wu Ziwei

Hunan, Changsha

November 5th, 2011


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Kort tids misjonsteamet vårt forteller om jobben de gjorde i Thailand

Fra Amazing Grace Lutheran Church i Hong Kong
Forje uke var misjonsteamet vårt i Thailand og tjenestegjorde i en menighet sammen med misjonærer der.
Folk kommer tent tilbake for tjeneste i Hong Kong