Prayer list from Gloria for January, 2011
1. Gloria's study in Qiang Mai: From January 3-14, Gloria will be in Qiang Main of Thailand, study Christian Mission History and Social Anthropology. Requirement of reading 7 books and seminar class with a lot of discussions, conducted all in English---quite heavy and crazy task for Gloria. Please pray that she can overcome all the difficulties and get "A" in both courses. (Mater students are required to get "A")
2. Students' winter holidays: All the students of HBI will go back hometown for winter holidays. They will also serve in their hometown local churches. Pray they have good rest and warm reunion with their family members and church members.
3. HBI winter camp: HBI will have winter camp for 5 days. A church in Singapore will bring their worship team to train our students how to be better worship leaders, as well as train students to play keyboard or guitar better.
4. Fundraising for new campus: Rev. Chenzhi will go to Hong Kong for another fundraising trip early this month, pray for his fulfillment.
5. Hainan retreat: Gloria may be invited by Hainan Christian Council to be as a lecturer in their church workers retreat. Pray for peace trip and fruitful teaching.
6. Time management concept in seminary and church: Time Steward, a notebook as a time management tool invented by Gloria has been printed out 300 and sent out to each of the presidents and deans of all the 18 seminaries in China. Pray this little tool can really help improve their administrative work efficiency. All the students of HBI and 144 church leaders and workers will also use this tool.
7. New course teaching preparation: Next semester Gloria will teach Exegesis, which is totally a new course for her. Pray for her preparation during this winter holidays.
8. China's society: The government of China is discussing the possibility of put every county under the direct administration of provincial government, which means, city government will lose their control over counties, while provincial government will carry a much heavier administrative task on. In Hunan, counties are over 120, cities only have about 20. Pray for wisdom and guidance from God to our government on this social reformation.