Spennende greier - du kan være med å be for dette – særlig planene om den nye kirken og det nye seminaret.
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Spennende greier - du kan være med å be for dette – særlig planene om den nye kirken og det nye seminaret.
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What Have Been Done in November, 2010
1. Next Semester’s Curriculum: We have made out next semester’s syllabus. Students will have 5-6 required courses and at least 1 selective courses.
(Required courses:
For first year students: the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, Exegesis, Basic Music, Advanced Chinese, Team Building Trainings.
For second year students: Christian Education, Christian Ethics, Reformation History, Development Phscology, the books of Corinthians and Chinese Society.
For third year students: Thesis Writing, Leadership Training, Religious Laws and rules, the Book of Revelation, Church Management.
Selective courses for all the students:
the Book of Ephesians, the History Books of the Old Testament, New Concept English, Countryside Church Ministries, Choir Conduct, Computer and Piano.
2. Computer Training for RAB officials: It is delayed to December 6-9.
3. Prefecture Training: Rev. Chen finished his teaching in Yiyang and Changde with God’s grace, while I need to delay my training to Changde to Dec.11, to attend their graduation ceremony, giving students greetings and gifts.
4. Printing of Mini-Bible College Book 4: Praise the Lord we finished preparing all the materials needed by the end of November.
5. Worship exchange: Praise the Lord the exchange went very well. I am so proud of our students!
Prayer List for December 2010
from Gloria Wu, Hunan Bible Institute
1. December 1, on the afternoon, all the students of HBI will go to streets and send out Red Ribbon to people, in this way to remind the society of the thread of AIDS. We also made a card with HBI’s name on it to spread some knowledge about preventing AIDS.
2. I will preach on December 5 and conduct Communion in the morning.
3. RAB guys computer training will happen in December 6-9 in our school’s computer room, around 40 people Mr. Lee, my husband will teach them how to make ppt. They also invite another trainer from a computer company to give training on internet safety.
4. December 13-15, pastors and main coworkers in Xiangtan City of Hunan will have a retreat. I invited a couple from Chengdu City of Sichuan province to give them training on how to release pressure. I also will give them a lecture for one of the afternoons. A coworker in the church of that area committed suicide 3 monthes ago.
5. Taiwan Lutheran Church will have a group of people come on December 6 and give cell group and worship training the following 4 days both in our school and in Zhuzhou City church of Hunan.
6. On December 19, my parents will be baptized together in our school’s church. This is after 15 years I baptized. They are now in our church’s Preparing Class.
7. I need to finish 5 courses that I teach this semester within this month, to have the students have final examinations, and then I could go to Thailand for Mission studies on January 1 next year.
8. December 24, at Christmas Eve our school will have a party like every year. We will have a many programs and give a short sermon and call unbelivers to come up to receive the new born life of Jesus Christ in their heart.
9. “Your Joy Might Be Full”, a little brochure with my testimony and the Gospel of John will be printed 50,000 and distributed to the churches in Hunan in Christmas season to be as a gift for the new comers to the church.
10. Rev. Chenzhi will go to Hong Kong this month to meet some Christian leaders to do fundraising for our new campus. The goal of our fundraising is 10,000,000 Yuan.
11. HBI New campus construction will be opened as soon as possible, not late than next spring. All the procedures are on process and so far go smoothly. The church’s design has been confirmed (refer to the pictures in the attachment).
12. January 8th next year, this semester will end, so this month students will be busy in preparing for their final examinations.
13. Time Steward, HBI is going to print a kind of time management notebook to help all the staff and students form good habits of managing and spending time. It will be used from next year on.
Work with us in His Kingdom with your prayers!