Spennende greier - du kan være med å be for dette – særlig planene om den nye kirken og det nye seminaret.
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Spennende greier - du kan være med å be for dette – særlig planene om den nye kirken og det nye seminaret.
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What Have Been Done in November, 2010
1. Next Semester’s Curriculum: We have made out next semester’s syllabus. Students will have 5-6 required courses and at least 1 selective courses.
(Required courses:
For first year students: the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, Exegesis, Basic Music, Advanced Chinese, Team Building Trainings.
For second year students: Christian Education, Christian Ethics, Reformation History, Development Phscology, the books of Corinthians and Chinese Society.
For third year students: Thesis Writing, Leadership Training, Religious Laws and rules, the Book of Revelation, Church Management.
Selective courses for all the students:
the Book of Ephesians, the History Books of the Old Testament, New Concept English, Countryside Church Ministries, Choir Conduct, Computer and Piano.
2. Computer Training for RAB officials: It is delayed to December 6-9.
3. Prefecture Training: Rev. Chen finished his teaching in Yiyang and Changde with God’s grace, while I need to delay my training to Changde to Dec.11, to attend their graduation ceremony, giving students greetings and gifts.
4. Printing of Mini-Bible College Book 4: Praise the Lord we finished preparing all the materials needed by the end of November.
5. Worship exchange: Praise the Lord the exchange went very well. I am so proud of our students!
Prayer List for December 2010
from Gloria Wu, Hunan Bible Institute
1. December 1, on the afternoon, all the students of HBI will go to streets and send out Red Ribbon to people, in this way to remind the society of the thread of AIDS. We also made a card with HBI’s name on it to spread some knowledge about preventing AIDS.
2. I will preach on December 5 and conduct Communion in the morning.
3. RAB guys computer training will happen in December 6-9 in our school’s computer room, around 40 people Mr. Lee, my husband will teach them how to make ppt. They also invite another trainer from a computer company to give training on internet safety.
4. December 13-15, pastors and main coworkers in Xiangtan City of Hunan will have a retreat. I invited a couple from Chengdu City of Sichuan province to give them training on how to release pressure. I also will give them a lecture for one of the afternoons. A coworker in the church of that area committed suicide 3 monthes ago.
5. Taiwan Lutheran Church will have a group of people come on December 6 and give cell group and worship training the following 4 days both in our school and in Zhuzhou City church of Hunan.
6. On December 19, my parents will be baptized together in our school’s church. This is after 15 years I baptized. They are now in our church’s Preparing Class.
7. I need to finish 5 courses that I teach this semester within this month, to have the students have final examinations, and then I could go to Thailand for Mission studies on January 1 next year.
8. December 24, at Christmas Eve our school will have a party like every year. We will have a many programs and give a short sermon and call unbelivers to come up to receive the new born life of Jesus Christ in their heart.
9. “Your Joy Might Be Full”, a little brochure with my testimony and the Gospel of John will be printed 50,000 and distributed to the churches in Hunan in Christmas season to be as a gift for the new comers to the church.
10. Rev. Chenzhi will go to Hong Kong this month to meet some Christian leaders to do fundraising for our new campus. The goal of our fundraising is 10,000,000 Yuan.
11. HBI New campus construction will be opened as soon as possible, not late than next spring. All the procedures are on process and so far go smoothly. The church’s design has been confirmed (refer to the pictures in the attachment).
12. January 8th next year, this semester will end, so this month students will be busy in preparing for their final examinations.
13. Time Steward, HBI is going to print a kind of time management notebook to help all the staff and students form good habits of managing and spending time. It will be used from next year on.
Work with us in His Kingdom with your prayers!
I vår menighet her i Hong Kong – Amazing Grace Lutheran Church har vi nå startet vår førti dagers faste og bønneperiode fram mot vår Menighets fødselsdag som skal feires 26 September – vi er da 53 år gamle.
Hvordan menigheten faster er opp til den enkelte. De fleste kutter ut et måltid dagelig eller ukentlig eller noen dager i uke og bruker tiden til å be.
Noen kutter ut et TV program de er spesielt glad i – og bruker den tiden istedet – ikke alle for eksempel folk med sukkersyke – kan faste.
Jeg har bestemt meg for å kutte ut et måltid hver dag. (Kanskje kan jeg bli litt tynnerer rundt midjen også? Ikke noe galt forsøke å slå to fluer en smekk.)
Men jeg er nå sulten – lunsh tid er over meg. Dette er faktisk et offer J
Ellers var jeg på et noe spesielt evangeliseringmøte i går kveld. Det ble arrangert av noen som kaller seg CBMC Interntional. (Connecting Business and Marketplace w. Christ.)
Evangeliseringsmøtet var i en stor restaurant – et stenkast fra kirken på universitetsområdet ved siden av oss.
Møtet begynte med noe korte taler – forsatte med god middag. (Mange retter.) En gammel venn hadde invitert oss og betalt for alle som satt på hennes bord. (Bord i en kinesisk sammenheng har altid 12 plasser – så hun hadde nok måtte betale mellom HKD 1000 og HKD 2000 for vårt bord.
Paralelt med middagen fortalte noen kjente forettningsfolk sine kristne vitnesbyrd. Flotte vitnesbyrd var det også. Ei dame på ca 60 år bestemte seg for å bli kristen og siden hun satt på vårt bord ba vi henne like godt til cellegruppa vår som vi skal ha i kveld.
NMS webpages/hjemmesider: http://www.nms.no Development/Bistand: http://kinabistand.blogspot.com ChurchSupport/Budskap: http://kinabudskap.blogspot.com
Organisation and leadership/Bygging: http://kinabygging.blogspot.com Personal blog/personlig blog: http://kinainfo.blogspot.com and my Pilgrim blog: http://pilgrimchina.blogspot.com
2010 New Students and New Semester
This year HBI will welcome 40 new students. Among them 10 are from Guangxi province and Hainan province, other 30 are from Hunan. Among Hunan students, 13 from Yiyang, 4 from Zhangjiajie, 3 from Changde, 2 from Hengyang, 2 from Xiangtan, 2 from Xiangxi, 1 from Loudi, 1 from Liuyang, 1 from Yongzhou and 1 from Yueyang.
In the coming semester, our school will have 90 students (50 male students and 40 female students). 12 teachers will on their duty teaching 32 courses. 2 teachers are in Hong Kong Lutharan Theological Seminary studying Old Testament and Christian Education, working on their Doctor degree.
The new semester will open on August 23. The first 2 weeks are Summer Camp.All of the students will gather at school for trainings on music instruments, worship, preaching and so on. New student are expected to enter into HBI fellowship during these 2 weeks.We hope through the activities of the Summer Camp, all the students can set right mood and attitude to begin or continue their theological study.
Graduation Ceremony on July 10, 2010 (Picture)
On July 10, HBI has Graduation Ceremony. 24 students finished their 3 years theological study and 5 students finished their 2 years Bible study. Most of them will go back to serve in their local churches.
Dr. Manfred Kohl from Overseas Council and Dr. Wilson W. Chew from China Graduate School of Theology joined the ceremony and both of them gave speech to encourage the graduate students to a "faithful, good and wise" servant of God, who always search the serving ability from God.
Regards/vennlig hilsen Ole Jacob Groenvold/Jack/Cheung Nga Gok
Email: ojg@nms.no
Representative of The Norwegian Mission Society in China. (NMS China)
Mobile phone: +852 6287-1952
NMS webpages/hjemmesider: http://www.nms.no
Development/Bistand: http://kinabistand.blogspot.com
ChurchSupport/Budskap: http://kinabudskap.blogspot.com
Organisation and leadership/Bygging: http://kinabygging.blogspot.com
Personal blog/personlig blog: http://kinainfo.blogspot.com and
my Pilgrim blog: http://pilgrimchina.blogspot.com
Postal address: Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, To Yuen St.
Tai Hang Tung, Kln, Hong Kong S.A.R. China.
May God bless you today. Gud velsigne deg i dag.
Kjære NMS venn og venn av kirken Kina
Her kommer tre bilder fra gjenreisningsgudtjenesten i den nye kirken ved Taohualun – (Ferskenblomsthøyden) i Yiyang Hunan Kina.
De kom nettopp med mail fra Rev. Wu Ziwei – Gloria.
Hun lover flere bilder seinere.
Regards/vennlig hilsen Ole Jacob Groenvold/Jack/Cheung Nga Gok
Email: ojg@nms.no
Representative of The Norwegian Mission Society in China. (NMS China)
Mobile phone: +852 6287-1952
NMS webpages/hjemmesider: http://www.nms.no
Development/Bistand: http://kinabistand.blogspot.com
ChurchSupport/Budskap: http://kinabudskap.blogspot.com
Organisation and leadership/Bygging: http://kinabygging.blogspot.com
Personal blog/personlig blog: http://kinainfo.blogspot.com and
my Pilgrim blog: http://pilgrimchina.blogspot.com
Postal address: Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, To Yuen St.
Tai Hang Tung, Kln, Hong Kong S.A.R. China.
May God bless you today. Gud velsigne deg i dag.
Gode nyheter – den 15/8 vil den nye kirken ved Taohualun innvies og taes i bruk.
Jeg har skrevet et gratulasjonsbrev til de sitert under.
Det vil bli oversatt og lest opp i kirken ved Taohualun – søndag 15/8 2010.
To: Taohualun Congregation and Christians in Yiyang aria
Hong Kong Saturday the 7th of August 2010
A few days ago news about the Taohualun Church reached me. Through Gods grace and hard work by many in Yiyang and Hunan you are able to move into the new church building. Your restoration service will be held on the 15th of August this year.
This is indeed good news that must make you exceedingly joyful – I know it makes many people in Norway, The Norwegian Missionary Society including myself very joyful too. God has answered our prayers.
The “road” towards this new place of worship has been long and hard with many challenges, but you have overcome them all and on the 15th of August this year God will crown your efforts with glory!
May God keep on blessing the people in The Taohualun Church and Yiyang city in the future and may the new church serve as an inspiration for the Christians in Yiyang to keep on fulfilling the Great commission in the gospel of Matthew 28:18-20.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, «All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Yours in Christ
Ole Jacob Grønvold
NMS Representative in China
Email: ojg@nms.no
Representative of The Norwegian Mission Society in China. (NMS China)
Mobile phone: +852 6287-1952
NMS webpages/hjemmesider: http://www.nms.no
and Pilgrim: http://pilgrimchina.blogspot.com
Development/Bistand: http://kinabistand.blogspot.com
ChurchSupport/Budskap: http://kinabudskap.blogspot.com
Organisation and leadership/Bygging: http://kinabygging.blogspot.com
Personal blog/personlig blog: http://kinainfo.blogspot.com
Postal address: Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, To Yuen St.
Tai Hang Tung, Kln, Hong Kong S.A.R. China.
May God bless you today. Gud velsigne deg i dag.
En hilsen fra Rev. Wu Ziwei som også heter Gloria og er Dean på Hunan Bible Institute.
Nå har dere enda bedre mulighet til å følge med i hva som skjer på Hunan Bible Institute.
Ta en titt.
Rev Gloria Wu skriver.
A greeting from Rev. Wu Ziwei also know as Gloria. She is the dean of Hunan Bible Institute
Dear Partners, We have just created and issued our new website on the internet. It is: It has both a Chinese version and an English version. We will update our events and news on it. We hope in this way, we can combine together more closely toward a better future of HBI, and of China's theological education. So far as we know, our new website is the only one among all the China's theological schools and seminaries, which has English version. We are looking forward that other thological seminaries in China having English version in the near future, better than ours, for the purpose of theological education improvement in the whole world based on full information and resources sharing. Please noted that this website is newly issued, we are open to receive your opinions and suggestions. Thank you for your involvement! Hunan Bible Institute Changsha City, Hunan China |
Noen steder kan en forkunne fritt og dele evangeliet andre steder består tjenesten av hovedsakelig diakonale oppgaver.
Det var et oppmuntrende bønnemøte.
Denne kvinnen har hatt et tøft liv og mange hadde gjort dårlige ting mot henne opp igjennom livet. Jeg opplevde henne som svært bitter.
Hun har lenge sagt nei til å ta imot Jesus, men den dagen var hun villig til selv å følge meg i en enkel bønn ord for ord. "Jesus hjelp meg - amen"
Jeg dro deretter på ferie. Jeg tror det var avgjørende og at hun med den bønnen åpnet seg for Guds nåde.
Nå ca 6 uker etterpå er hun døpt og kun sengeliggende på et hospits de med kort tid igjen.
På dåpsdagen etter at dåpen hadde funnet sted, var det som om en bryter i sinnet hennes ble vridd om. Jeg har aldri før sett henne så glad - hun er fremdeles døende - men ansiktet hennes er stort sett bare et stort smil når noen er nær henne.
Hun sa "Takk for at du lærte meg å be"
Sent from my iPhone
Ole Jacob Groenvold
NMS har vært med på å støtte en studietur for kirken i Hunan til Taiwan.
At Hunan - fastlandskinesere, får lov til å dra til Taiwan er kunne et par år gammelt og spennende i seg selv, men enda mer spennende var den postive responsen på hva de hadde sett og lært da de kom hjem til Hunan.
Formålet med turen var å vise kirken i Fastlandskina at det også fantes andre modeller for kirkesamfunn og menighetsliv enn de tradisjonelle formene. (Kinesisk kirke har vært svært konservativ i stilen på kirkebygg, former og kirketenkning etter at gudstjenester igjen ble mulig tidlig i 1980 årene.
Pastor Chen Zhi og Pastor Jane Yau Jing Yi var noen av deltagerne på turen til Taiwan og Pastor Wu skrev følgende i en mail til u.t. om Pastor Chens uttalelser dette etter at han var kommet tilbake til Changsha. (Oversatt av u.t.)
“I går kveld var det den 14. januar 2010. Pastor Chen ba studentene (på HBI) huske denne dagen - for om 20 år vil dere oppleve en totalt forskjellig kirke i Hunan.
Pastor Chen brukte bilder han hadde tatt på Taiwan for å introdusere Taiwans kirke administrasjon og det han hadde opplevd på Taiwan. Han delte hovedsakelig informasjon om disippelopplæring etter medvandrer metoden og cellegruppe kirkemodellen til alle studentene. Han sa: ”I de siste tre årene etter at jeg kom til HBI har jeg brukt mesteparten av min energi i å utvikle HBI. Fra i år vil jeg bruke mesteparten av min energi på menighetsplanet.
Hvordan? Først av alt vil jeg bruke vår HBIs egen menighet som eksempel. (Min kommentar – HBI har en kirkesal som huser en menighet med 800 medlemmer og to gudstjenester hver søndag) og samtidig trene dere (studentene ved HBI) ”i en til en /medvandrer disippelopptreningssystemet. Dere vil også lære hvordan en pastor skal fungere i cellekirke modellen. Fra vår skole og HCC håper jeg at alle Hunan menigheter kan forandre seg fra tradisjonelle møte sentrert pastoral modell til en person sentrert modell med ”En til en” disippeltrening samt cellekirkemodell.
Pastor Chen er en mann som holder sitt ord og vi tror at han virkelig vil gjøre dette.
Noen av studentene som har erfaring fra undergrunnskirken ble ikke overrasket over å høre dette. "Vi burde ha gjort dette tidligere,” tenkte de.
Men ingen kan bevege kirken i Hunan som pastor Chen med sitt team. Vi er glad at Pastor Chen så og opplevde dette i Taiwan kirken. Pris Herren.
Kan bare stemme i det som Pastor Gloria Wu avslutter med – ”Pris Herren”. Siden vårt først bare dels vellykkede prosjekt ”Kirkeadministrasjon fra et Cellekirke perspektiv” i april 2008 i Changsha – ser det ut som om NMS Kina og TLC nå har klart å oppnå et gjennombrudd i Hunan for nytenkning om menighetsutvikling.